How Can You Apply for Authorization in Areas Controlled by Terrorist Groups?

Navigating the process to get authorization for activities in areas controlled by terrorist groups can be complex. This guide breaks down the steps and requirements to help you understand what’s involved.

What Is the Authorization Regime?

The authorization regime is designed to allow organizations to conduct activities in areas controlled by terrorist groups without violating laws against supporting terrorism. This regime includes a humanitarian exception, acknowledging that some activities, like delivering aid, are necessary even in these regions.

Key Sections of the Authorization Process

Geographic Areas Controlled by a Terrorist Group

Certain geographic areas are under the control of terrorist groups. Operating in these areas usually requires special authorization to ensure that activities don’t inadvertently support terrorism.


To be eligible for authorization, your activities must:

  • Occur in a designated area controlled by a terrorist group.
  • Address a real and significant need in that area.
  • Be conducted by an organization capable of managing and reporting funds transparently, even under the risk of terrorist influence.
  • Offer benefits that outweigh the risks of potential terrorist financing.

Steps in the Application Process
Inquiry About Authorization Requirements

Before applying, determine if your activities need authorization. This step helps avoid unnecessary applications and ensures that your efforts align with legal requirements.

Submission of an Application

Applicants must complete and submit a detailed application form. This includes:

  • Contact Information: Names, phone numbers, emails, and addresses.
  • Personal Identifiers: Name, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship(s), and personal addresses.
  • Project Details: Description, location, timeline, budget, partner organizations, and intermediaries.
  • Funds Information: Total budget, sources of funds, value of goods/services, and expected expenses.
  • Goods and Services Information: Detailed descriptions, end use, partner organizations, and transport pathways.

Initial Assessment

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and/or the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship conduct the first assessment to ensure the application meets the criteria outlined in the Criminal Code.

Referral to the Public Safety Minister

If the initial assessment is successful, the application is referred to the Public Safety Minister for further review. This stage includes a security review to assess potential risks of terrorist financing.

Security Assessment

The security review checks for any links between the applicant and terrorist groups. It also evaluates whether the proposed activities might benefit a terrorist group. If necessary, mitigation measures or additional conditions may be imposed to minimize risks.

Final Decision

The Public Safety Minister decides whether to grant or refuse authorization based on:

  • The initial referral.
  • Findings from the security review.
  • Any risk mitigation measures.
  • Other relevant factors.

An authorization, if granted, is typically valid for up to five years and shields the authorized individuals or organizations from criminal liability under the specified conditions.

Reporting and Monitoring Compliance

Authorized organizations must report on their activities and fund usage to ensure ongoing compliance with the terms of the authorization. This ensures transparency and accountability.

What Happens If an Application Is Refused?

If your application is refused, you will be notified and given reasons for the refusal. You have several options:

  • Re-apply after 30 days with new information.
  • Re-apply sooner if there’s a material change in circumstances.
  • Challenge the decision in the Federal Court of Canada.

Applying for authorization to operate in areas controlled by terrorist groups involves a detailed and rigorous process. By understanding and following the outlined steps and requirements, you can navigate this process more effectively and ensure your activities comply with legal standards.

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