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Requirements for Reporting and Monitoring Compliance to Maintain Authorization in Terrorist-Controlled Areas

When dealing with areas controlled by terrorist groups, it’s essential to understand the processes and responsibilities involved in ensuring compliance with legal authorizations. This guide will help you navigate the requirements for reporting and monitoring compliance to maintain your authorization status.

About the Authorization Regime and Humanitarian Exception

In areas controlled by terrorist groups, certain activities require authorization from the Public Safety Minister. These authorizations help ensure that humanitarian efforts and other activities do not inadvertently support terrorist activities.


To be eligible for authorization, organizations must demonstrate that their activities are humanitarian or serve other necessary purposes and that they can manage funds and report their activities transparently.

Authorization Requirement Inquiry

Before starting any activity, it's vital to determine whether you need authorization. This involves assessing the nature of your activities and the regions where you will operate.

Application Process

Steps to Apply

  1. Inquiry: Determine if your activities require authorization.
  2. Preparation: Gather all necessary documents and information.
  3. Submission: Apply through the designated channels, providing detailed information about your activities.

Assessment of Applications

Once you submit your application, it will be assessed to ensure compliance with legal requirements and to evaluate the risk of supporting terrorist activities.

Reporting and Monitoring of Compliance

After receiving authorization, it's crucial to maintain compliance through proactive reporting and monitoring.

What You Need to Report

Authorization holders must report any new information, including:

  • Changes in personnel
  • New partners or service providers
  • Changes in addresses or contact information
  • Financial information
  • Amendments to the original application

Regular Assessments

New information will be assessed to determine if it poses any risks. If risks are identified, the authorization may be suspended or revoked.

Record-Keeping Requirements

You must keep accurate and complete records for at least five years. These records can be paper or electronic.

Specific Reporting Requirements

The details of what you need to report will be specified in your authorization. Typically, you will need to report:

  • Amounts of property or financial services transferred
  • Payment or shipment routes
  • Dates of transfers

Periodic Security Review

Authorization holders are subject to periodic security reviews to ensure ongoing compliance and to reassess any potential risks.

Amendments, Revocations, or Suspensions

When Changes Are Needed

If there are changes in your operations that affect your authorization, you must request an amendment. Multiple changes should be submitted in a single request.

Reasons for Suspension or Revocation

The Public Safety Minister may suspend or revoke an authorization if:

  • You fail to comply with the terms and conditions
  • You fail to provide the required reports or information
  • The conditions for granting the authorization are no longer met

Renewal of the Application

Before Expiry

To renew an authorization, apply before it expires. If the authorization has already expired, renewal is possible only in exceptional circumstances.

Consequences of Failure to Comply

Failing to comply with the terms of your authorization can lead to its revocation or suspension. Additionally, it could result in criminal charges with severe penalties, including imprisonment.

Staying compliant with reporting and monitoring requirements is crucial for maintaining your authorization when operating in areas controlled by terrorist groups. By understanding and following these guidelines, you can ensure that your activities remain lawful and contribute to your humanitarian or other authorized efforts without supporting terrorism.

For more detailed information or specific reporting forms, you can contact Public Safety Canada.

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