Charity Resources

Overview of the CRA's 2021-2022 Charity Report. Part I

This report aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the workings of charities in Canada. Charities play a vital role in Canadian society, offering a diverse range of services to individuals in need. Through various funding sources and careful financial management, these organizations strive to make a positive impact both domestically and internationally. This report explains the operational mechanisms of Canadian charities, examining their funding sources, financial management, and regulatory oversight.

Financial Overview:

In 2020, registered charities in Canada reported significant financial figures. Charitable organizations held the highest assets, totaling $410 billion, followed by private foundations with $81 billion and public foundations with $42 billion. These assets support the diverse range of services provided by charities across the country.

Types of Charities:

Registered charities in Canada are categorized into three main groups: charitable organizations, private foundations, and public foundations. Charitable organizations constitute the majority, with 74,615 entities, followed by private foundations with 6,368 and public foundations with 4,908.

Funding Sources:

Charities rely on various sources of revenue to sustain their operations. Government funding constitutes the primary source, contributing 67% of total revenue in 2020. Other revenue streams include proceeds from the sale of goods and services, tax-receipted gifts, non-tax-receipted revenue, and donations from other registered charities.

Spending Patterns:

Charities allocate their resources to fulfill their missions effectively. In 2020, nearly 75% of expenditures were dedicated to charitable activities, such as direct services to beneficiaries. Additionally, 4% of funds were allocated for gifts to qualified donees and 21% for other expenses like administrative costs.

Global Impact:

Canadian charities extend their reach beyond national borders, engaging in activities outside Canada. In 2020, charities reported approximately $4 billion in expenditure on international endeavors. Charitable organizations led in this expenditure, followed by private and public foundations.

Regulation and Oversight:

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) plays a crucial role in regulating and overseeing registered charities. It reviews applications for charity status, provides guidance to the sector, and ensures compliance with regulations. This regulatory framework promotes transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct within the charitable sector.

Charities in Canada serve as pillars of support for individuals and communities in need. Through diverse funding sources, prudent financial management, and regulatory oversight, these organizations continue to make a profound impact on society. By understanding the operational mechanisms of Canadian charities, stakeholders can appreciate their contributions and work towards fostering a supportive environment for their continued growth and effectiveness.


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